Sunday, February 15, 2009

First Long Weekend of the Year!!

Family Day and Valentines on the same weekend WOW!!! I could not keep up with the pies! People just kept on coming in and buying them!! not complaining but amazing! We made heart shaped cookies for valentines day which was a hit and I even got 12 long stem roses from Drew !!! It was great to see so many new faces coming in and saying that they saw the newspaper article and the ad in Our Homes Magazine. Also I big surprise Rose Murray author of Taste of Canada and her husband Kent stopped in when heading back home to pick up a pie and try our sticky buns, I also had to give her one of our lemon buttermilk tarts so she could try our version of a lemon tart. I had met her the night before at the dinner for her at the Rocky Raccoon Cafe, very lovely lady, I got her to sign my cookbook and she commented on the baking that she tried that night and she said it was great! Next week coming up is again trying to keep the freezer full of pies which I thought would not be hard in the winter but I was wrong, every Monday I look in the freeze and see empty trays!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Business Owner at 23

WOW....owning my own business, never had thougt that I would have my own store to run at 23 years of age! But its true , Mary Jo has given me the best opportunity in the world, something that I have always dreamed of, baking and making money from it!! I have just been running the pie company on my own since middle of November, it has been great learning sooo much. I was worried about the winter months for business but I was lucky and an article in The Sun Times made the pie company a place to stop so it has been busy!
I have been lucky with the new staff that I hired and I have just hired a new employee because I just can't keep up the the pie!!! I supply pies to the Rocky Raccoon Cafe in Owen Sound and now at the Green Door Cafe in Wiarton. This next week I am busy baking for a dinner with auther Rose Murray of Taste of Canada at the Rocky Raccoon on Thursday Feb 12, I have to make recipes from her cookbook and present them at the dinner! Exciting!!